24 Hour Hotline: (216) 320-1771
We place patients and families in one of our 4 guest homes, where you can benefit from access to nearby shopping and synagogues, be a part of a welcoming neighborhood, and enjoy the privacy and amenities our guest homes offer. We strive to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
All of our guest homes are within a short driving distance to all of the major Cleveland Hospitals. Our hospitality is FREE. We just hope we can stop by from time-to-time to visit!
The following amenities are available:
A few, but not all, of our guest homes may include an access ramp, Sabbath-permissible stair lift, Jacuzzi, playroom or office space, and outside patio. Some of our guest homes are large enough to host multiple families for the patient’s benefit.
Moshe Yitzchok Eckstein, Bikur Cholim Recipient from London, England