Kosher Meals

Bikur Cholim is all about care, compassion and nourishment. Caregivers are oftentimes too overwhelmed to cook meals while caring for a loved one. And, keeping kosher in a hospital setting can be difficult. But, everyone appreciates a nutritious meal!

All of our meals are prepared by a local kosher caterer for individuals and families. Unique to our meal program is our ability to customize meals, available upon request, to meet any and all dietary needs including gluten-free, low-salt, or sugar-free foods.

Our food services include: 

  • Weekday and Shabbos meal delivery, in home or to the hospitals (for COVID and other patients)
  • Meals for postpartum mothers delivered to both hospitals and homes
  • Six kosher hospitality suites located at local area medical facilities throughout Cleveland; these are stocked with snacks and beverages 24/7, 365 days a year, with a pre-made, microwavable meal always available for visitors and family members.


Bikur Cholim provides approximately 16,000 kosher prepared meals annually to hospitalized and at-home patients. In fact, during the High Holidays alone, Bikur Cholim prepared 977 meals and delivered 561 challahs.

“My wife was in the hospital for 6 weeks; I had no worries about where our dinners or Shabbos meals were going to come from.”

~ David Rothner, MD, Pediatric Neurologist, Cleveland Clinic and Bikur Cholim Recipient

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